It's Not Really about the Money

It wasn’t a desperate kind of yes, but a yes of deep understanding that the me that felt broken and beat down at a soul level and who had made the decisions that got me into the mess I was in wouldn’t be the me that could turn things around unless I…

“There’s NO WAY,” I thought to myself. “Absolutely no way I’m going to do it.”

I sat there with my mind chattering away with all the reasons I SHOULDN’T say yes to an $11,000 package of programs:

"I'm already teetering on the brink of bankruptcy... It would be SOOO irresponsible of me to buy this!"

"What will people think?!" (I could hear my mother's reaction already…)

"When will I have the time to fly all over the country to take these programs anyway?!"

And all the while my mind was shouting, “NO!”, my heart was saying “YES! This is exactly what you need, Christine.”

It wasn’t a desperate kind of yes, but a yes of deep understanding that the me that felt broken and beat down at a soul level and who had made the decisions that got me into the mess I was in wouldn’t be the me that could turn things around unless I got some help. Like, A LOT of help.

Maybe it was the hope that these programs represented for me that pushed me to the back of the room where I plunked down my credit cards to pay for the programs. 

I literally felt like throwing up, I was so scared. 

Whatever the reason, I thank God I did because those programs were exactly what I needed to completely change my life.

It would have been far too easy to let that opportunity to get exactly what I needed slip away because I “didn’t have the money.” And, truly, I didn’t. My net worth was negative many tens of thousands of dollars.

But one of the most valuable things I got from those programs was learning to have faith in myself. The truth is that when you invest in a program or with a coach, you’re really investing in yourself. You're investing in someone who can hold a bigger vision for you than you can at the time. You're investing in someone who can see the Truth of who you are and all your potential when you may doubt yourself. And you're investing in the structure and support that will help you dramatically change your circumstances.

If you use the excuse of “But I don’t have the money” to turn down an opportunity your heart is saying YES to, more often than not, the real reason you don’t invest in that program or coach isn’t because of the cost. The same goes for the people who say to you, "You're too expensive" or "I can't afford it" or "That's a lot of money" and then don't sign up for your program, course or to work with you.

It’s really not about the money at all. 

It’s that you doubt yourself. (Or your potential clients doubt themselves.)

You doubt that you will show up for yourself fully in the program.

You’re afraid that you’ll invest in yet another program and only get part-way through it before “life gets in the way”, you won’t complete the program and then you’re left with very few results to show for the money you spent.

You lack faith in yourself and your ability to make your business work or work a lot better than it already is.

It shows up as, “I should pay off my debt or save up before I invest in myself or my business.” I know… I’ve thought that so many times. 

Because if you take the risk on yourself - if you invest in the program - and then if you fail, well… then there’s the guilt, the shame, the judgments of others and the beating yourself up… and THAT is what you don’t want to face. 

THAT is why you use “I don’t have the money” as an excuse not to do the very things that will help you have what you say you want. 

When you’re honest with yourself, isn’t that really closer to the truth? Tell me if I’m wrong. 

I’m saying all this because I know this struggle first-hand. It’s not like I don’t battle the same demons of doubt and insecurity like everyone else. I’ve just gotten a lot better at winning those battles and doing it really quickly. :-) 

And it’s not just when you’re starting your business that this self-sabotage happens. It happens at EVERY LEVEL… New level, new devil.

Feel the fear... and do it anyway.

Right now I want to give you permission to feel the doubt, the guilt or the fear… and invest in yourself anyway in ways that align with your values, support your dreams and empower you to step into the highest version of yourself. It's by doing the stuff that scares you the most that you will grow immensely as a person, causing the kinds of results you get to transform and grow, too.

Just think back over your own personal experience... hasn't this been true? Isn't it the times when you were so scared to do something you almost didn't go through with it, but then when you did, you not only felt incredibly proud of yourself, but you grew immensely from the experience? (And also when you didn't go for it, you kick yourself later for not doing it.) That's been my experience time and time again.

My wish for you is that you find a rock solid faith in yourself and your ability to create the amazingly abundant business and life you desire because you deserve all of that and more. #Truth

Welcome, I’m Christine Parma! I’ve helped thousands of purpose-driven entrepreneurs, thought leaders and changemakers joyfully transform themselves, their businesses and their "real world results" in ways that align with their values, increase their impact, and achieve the bold visions they hold... and I'd love to support you, too!

As a results-focused trainer and coach, I help you craft both a wildly successful professional life and deeply fulfilling personal life. By combining highly effective coaching methods, smart strategies, strategic systems, and powerful personal transformation modalities, I support you with moving past what’s been limiting you, map a clear path forward to achieving your boldest goals and achieve your fullest potential with joy, grace and flow.

Ready for Extraordinary Results? Learn more about how I can help you or read some of my clients’ success stories.

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Christine Parma

Hi, I’m Christine Parma, and I’ve helped thousands of purpose-driven entrepreneurs, leaders and professionals grow themselves, their businesses and their bottom lines in ways that align with their values, increase their impact, and achieve the bold visions they hold.

As a results-focused Business Transformation and Personal Performance Coach, I help you quickly overcome challenges and limitations to achieve your most important goals and live your fullest potential with joy, ease and flow.